WASHINGTON - Today, U.S. Senators Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich cosponsored a resolution to designate October 2013 as "National Work and Family Month." This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Senate recognizing this public awareness campaign. The Senators are hopful that the resolution passes today.
"Effective work-life balance programs are essential to productive workplaces, and to building the long-term workforce necessary to grow our nation's economy," said Sen. Udall. "I'm proud to cosponsor this resolution because workplace flexibility ensures that parents can care for their families without sacrificing a good job. When employers and employees work together, our economy is strengthened."
"Allowing workers to balance both work and family leads to increased productivity, healthier families, and makes good business sense," said Sen. Heinrich. "When employers provide their workers with an environment that supports commitments to children and caring for loved ones, everyone wins. Business practices like family and medical leave and paid sick days, childcare, and workplace flexibility help keep New Mexico's economy and community strong and thriving. I'm proud to cosponsor this resolution and will continue to support work-life balance policies that reflect the demands facing today's workforce."
"National Work and Family Month" is a national campaign led by WorldatWork's Alliance for Work Life Progress designed to encourage employers, employees and communities across the nation to identify and discuss mutually beneficial work-life programs and policies. The month of October was first designated as "National Work and Family Month" in 2003.